Coaching Addictions

Knowing What Got You Into
Your Addiction Is Not Enough
To Get You Out of It — Learn
a Biblical Approach to Quickly
Stop Your Relapse Cycle
and Immediately Start
Living Your Dream Life
Regardless of What Others In
The Recovery Community
Tell You!

Best Part: It Doesn’t Matter How Long You Have Been In Your Addiction, What You Are Addicted to, How Many Times You Have Relapsed, or How Fearful You Are of Facing Life Without Your Addiction … This Proven Step-by-Step Process Works!

Keep Reading To Discover What You Need to Be Doing Right Now to Begin This Permanent Transformation … and Go From Barely Surviving to THRIVING In Every Area of Your Life!

Dear Person Struggling With an Addiction:

First things first: This may be a long letter to read, but your life is worth every minute it takes you to read it.

Why? Because the ideas I’m about to talk about will bring you instant hope that YOU can, AND WILL, finally beat your addiction and its relapse cycle.

I know a lot of people who struggle with addictions have problems reading. If that’s you, then have someone read this information to you. Yes, it’s that important for your survival!

This process is based upon biblical principles … the good news is that even without you having a deep knowledge of the Bible, I share with you the biblical principles that bring permanent transformation … and when used in the right order … you no longer need to fear relapse!

Hi, my name is Kathy Williamson and I struggled with many of the same things you might be dealing with. I have been clean from pain pills since 1990, without attending support groups.

I want to share with you the process that set me free forever.

But I must warn you:

What I’m About To Share With
You Might Be Very Controversial!

That’s because the process I teach is radically different than what is normally taught in the addiction recovery field.

But God’s way of changing us works every time … if we work the plan.

I’m sure you’ve tried the typical 12-Step approach, or perhaps even went in-patient at a rehab center. Yet you keep relapsing.

Let me be very clear and lay out the differences between what is currently taught, and the process I developed to set addicts free forever.

My Story of Transformation

Why should you listen to me?

Because I’ve walked in both the shoes of an addict for ten years, plus I was married to a narcissistic, pathological liar who sucked the life out of me (but I got my life back).

In 1979 at age 27 – yup that was a LONG time ago, as I am now over 70 years young! – I began a 10 year addiction / relapse cycle with opioids. Started from a medical condition.

I had underlying issues from my upbringing where I never felt loved or encouraged.

It was so easy to escape the painful emotions.

I became a Christian 6 months into my addiction

Even though I was fortunate to get well-grounded in learning the Bible, it wasn’t enough.

I even attended Christian 12-step programs, and then would ask, “what’s next?” when I finished because it didn’t set me free.

I went through counseling and resolved my negative emotions toward my parents.

I forgave them … which means to stop rehashing my hurt from my childhood.

The pain eventually does go away, but not the memories.

But I was still stuck … not knowing that I developed another problem of being very self-centered, trying to figure out how to get out of the addiction.  Most addicts don’t recognize this slow shift in their focus, which keeps them bound for years.

About a year after I became a Christian I began volunteering on a Christian-based hotline. Because I had been through so much, I could identify and help a lot of people.

In 1984 I felt God told me that some day I would open up my own Christian hotline – I just didn’t know when or where.

So my relapse cycle continued.

It wasn’t until 1990 that the doors opened for me to open my own hotline. That is when my life finally turned around == for good == and no more relapses.


Because I was using my passion in life (to help people struggling with personal problems) to reach out to love and serve others.

And as a byproduct, my desire for my addiction went away.

This is God’s way of healing us.

  • No more pity parties
  • No more fear of relapsing
  • No more keeping my addiction a secret

Instead … I had a life with purpose … I felt fulfilled … I knew I was finally on the right path to permanent freedom from the addiction and relapse cycle.

I still remember driving down 7th Avenue in Phoenix and thinking this is the best “high” – and it lasts a long, long time!

And this can be your story too …

One of FINALLY stopping the relapse cycle, learning how to connect with people, find the love you were meant to experience, and walk close with God every day.

Since 1995 I have been refining this process of biblical principles. As I shared them with many hurting people in my 14 years of being a lay counselor on hotlines, I saw many people’s situations dramatically improved.

Biblical principles never fail – if you

  • Know what the principles are (with the Bible being over 800 pages, where do you start??)
  • Discover what order works best
  • And You follow them

It’s not a matter of will power.

So I’d like to share with you a brief overview of what this process looks like.

God’s Ways vs Society’s Ways to Overcome Addictions

Before I share with you a process that will permanently set you free, I want to point out some major contrast points between God’s ways vs. society’s ways to overcome addictions.

Society’s ways of handling addictions:

  1. You don’t have any power to stop your addiction
  2. You need to be in a support group the rest of your life to maintain your sobriety
  3. It’s a disease which you never overcome
  4. Spend your time focused on not doing your addiction
  5. Get a sponsor to help you (he or she may or may not have fully recovered)
  6. Your understanding of God need not be based on the Bible
  7. The “Power greater than ourselves” can be whatever you want it to be

God’s ways of overcoming addictions:

  1. Yes, you already have power to stop your addiction
  2. Once the underlying issues that cause a person to escape through an addiction are resolved, then there is no need to continue to rehash the past
  3. Since God calls abusing alcohol and drugs sin, then it cannot be a “disease.” This is the best news because then you can resolve the issues and move on in life.
  4. God’s way to change us is to focus on seeking first the kingdom of God, and as a byproduct, a lot of our problems get resolved. Learning to use one’s passion in life to reach out to love and serve others is one of the highest priorities of God. What we focus on (our thoughts and words) create our future. If you continually focus on not doing your addiction, the picture of your addiction is always in your head and that is what will manifest.
  5. You don’t need a sponsor. However, you do need to be around emotionally-healthy people in a community (or group) who will encourage you from God’s perspective.
  6. The truth from God’s Word that you know is what sets you free.
  7. What or in whom you place your trust as having the power to help you, must have that power to do so! A doorknob does not have that power! If you are a born-again Christian, when you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit immediately resided in you, replacing your human spirit with the Holy Spirit. You’ve got the power this moment!

If you are still reading this, congratulations on wanting to change and being willing to consider a different approach. This Roadmap you are about to discover works on all kinds of addictions, and all kinds of other emotional problems that keep us stuck in a rut.

Your Friends and Family Members
Are Just As Frustrated As You Are
About How to Help You Finally
Stop the Relapse Cycle!

 So Don’t Blame Them For Not
Having The Answers You Seek

But I DO Have The Guidance You Need!

How much longer are you going to allow yourself to go through the cycle of withdrawal, being clean for a few days, weeks or months, then relapsing?

Imagine you want to take a vacation to another state. What’s the first thing you do? Grab a map to lay out your journey from where you are to where you want to go.

The same procedure applies to how to go from where you are in your addiction cycle—active, clean but struggling, barely surviving withstanding the temptations, or stuck in the relapse cycle waiting for your inevitable failure to relapse again—to living a life filled with love, great relationships, and purpose.

Perhaps you have been clean for quite some time, but you are stuck attending support groups with others who struggle with addictions. Sometimes you might ask yourself, is this all there is to life?

Most recovery programs focus on not doing your addiction, which keeps it in your face daily, forcing you to constantly focus on staying clean.


Biblical Roadmap to Freedom for a Higher Purpose

Here’s an overview of the process that will radically transform your life!

Preparation for the Journey:

  • Get Rid of Excessive Baggage
  • Spiritual Preparation for Success

7 C’s To Transformation That Sticks

  1. Choose Your Destination
  2. Change Your Focus
  3. Control Your Emotions
  4. Challenge Your Beliefs
  5. Clarify Your Issues
  6. Communicate With Purpose
  7. Change Your Lifestyle

Preparation For Your Journey

  1. Get Rid of Excessive Baggage

Begin by identifying and dealing with some obstacles that might hinder you from starting and/or being successful in being able to build this new life. This excessive baggage affects our character and ability to make permanent change. So it is important that we identify as many as we can and begin to deal with them starting today. But remember, these are areas you will continue to improve and/or eliminate during your journey to wholeness in Christ.

  • Unforgiveness
  • Labels
  • Excuses
  • Blaming Others
  • Self-Centeredness
  • Negative Self-Talk
  • Drifting in Life
  • Toxic People
  1. Spiritual Preparation for Success

To avoid the relapse cycle requires a major shift in our focus. As a Christian, our spiritual growth and spiritual battles must be based upon biblical principles. We must know who we are “in Christ,” what His promises are, understand we already have everything we need to change ourselves and our situations, and we must fight from a spiritual viewpoint using spiritual weapons.

   Myth #1: God is in complete control of everything that happens in our lives. People will say that God is sovereign and He does what He wants, when He wants, and that He even allows evil things to happen. The truth is that God gave control of the earth to man and man has the ability and power to make his own choices. God will not override man’s decisions.

   Myth #2: You have to beg God to do things, because maybe He will and maybe He won’t. This false belief comes from not correctly understanding Scriptures. If we read verses with the eye to look for every time it tells us that God “has” already done something, then we will see that we need to make a major shift in our viewpoint of what we already have inside us. The book of Ephesians is a great starting point to recognize what we already have.

   Myth #3: God is the One causing, or allowing, evil things to happen and these trials are brought on by God to mold us and shape us into His image. The truth is that God gave man a free will, going back to the beginning when man was instructed not to eat of a certain tree in the garden. God will not override man’s decisions.

Spirit, Soul & Body

Our objectives as Christians are to become like Christ in everything we do. It is a complete lifestyle change. It begins with gaining an understanding of who we are as new creatures in Christ. God created us with a spirit, soul (mind, will and emotions), and body (our fleshly instincts).

Our mind has to be renewed by reading the Bible and learning new truths/beliefs. Until our mind is renewed, our will (decision-maker) continues to make decisions according to its past programming and it also is trained to listen to our body (5 senses) more than to our spirit.

Beliefs become ingrained through repetition. When we repeatedly read the same awesome truths in the Bible over and over, we begin to let them sink into our soul and begin to believe them. Some of us who were brought up in traditional churches may have false doctrines we believe. But when we read the Bible and come across a truth that counters that false doctrine, we then have a choice to make on what we will believe.

The Transformation Process

Permanent transformation comes from the inside-out. The soil of our hearts must be improved so that when we plant the seeds of God’s Word in it, the right fruit grows and remains reproducing for years. Here are ways this can be accomplished:

  • Renew Your Mind
  • Understand You’ve Already Got Everything You Need
  • Learn to Utilize Your Authority in Christ
  • Activate Your Faith through Verbally Speaking God’s promises
  • Forget Your Past and Focus on Your Future

Weapons for Spiritual Battles

Before we became Christians, we battled our problems by trying to change our outer circumstances and/or the people who caused us problems. Once we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit replaces man’s spirit and lives within us continually. God’s Spirit has already defeated Satan; therefore, we fight our battles from the perspective of having already won. We now use spiritual weapons to bring ourselves and our circumstances into alignment with victory. Here’s are some of the weapons.

  • Knowledge and understanding
  • Our Voice – Praise, Commanding, Declaring
  • Prayers of Petition and Supplication
  • Love God and Others First

Biblical Principles to Stop the Relapse Cycle


But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. Matthew 6:33 AMPC.

Use your passion in life to reach out to love and serve others,
and as a byproduct, the majority of your problems get resolved.

  1. Choose Your Destination. Write the vision and make it plain, Habakkuk 2:2. Your goal should be God-centered and others-centered. Matthew 22:37-39. What is your Why behind your goal?
  2. Change Your Focus. Away from your problem and toward God’s vision for why He created you. Jeremiah 1:3, Psalm 139.
  3. Control Your Emotions. 1 Peter 5:6-10 Cast our cares upon the Lord; Proverbs 23:7 As a man thinks in his heart, so is he; 2 Corinthians 10:5 Take captive every thought; Luke 14:1, Let not your heart be troubled.
  4. Challenge Your Beliefs. About the cause(s) of your problems. Man’s ways vs. God’s ways to resolve our problems. Isaiah 55:8-9, Proverbs 16:9.
  5. Clarify Underlying Issues. Guard your heart Proverbs 4:23; God is close to the brokenhearted Psalm 34:18; As he thinks in his heart, so is he Proverbs 23:7; Have this attitude in you … Philippians 2:5-11.
  6. Communicate With Purpose. Philippians 2:3-5. Allow God to speak to you through His Word. Deut. 8:3. Love never fails 1 Cor. 13:8.
  7. Change your Lifestyle. Character traits to pursue 2 Peter 1:5-10. Do not forsake the fellowship of believers Hebrews 10:25.


After reading the above process, you may have some questions, such as:

  • Do I need to stop my addiction before I start this process?
    • No, you don’t. You’ll notice no where did I emphasize you had to stop your drugs or alcohol use. In fact, you don’t have to hit rock bottom in order to get yourself out of the pit you’re stuck in.
    • However, if you need to go through detox while quitting, I suggest you get that done through a professional clinic that can do it safely.
  • How long will this process take?
    • If you follow the process, in the order presented, you can make significant changes in your life in three months or less.
    • I encourage you to sign up for my 3-month weekly coaching program so you can get maximum benefit in the shortest amount of time.
    • Having someone to be accountable to will enhance your ability to avoid slipping back into the excuses or self-defeating behavior that keeps you stuck.
  • Can the relationships in my life that were torn apart or dissolved because of my addiction be completely restored?
    • There is always hope when God and His ways of reconciliation are followed. I can’t make any promises, because a lot depends upon the other person involved.
    • But I do know that getting yourself to the point where you no longer struggle with the issues that led you to abuse drugs or alcohol, and being focused on building an awesome future, will open the doors for many opportunities for God to show up and do miracles.

Ready To Finally Stop Your Relapse Cycle?

Now that you’ve seen the framework to get you permanently out of your addiction and stop the relapse cycle, I want to offer you an opportunity to gain personal insights on how to apply these principles to your life.

Prior to signing up for my 3-month, weekly one-on-one coaching program, I want to have a session with you to give you the encouragement and personal insights you need to believe in yourself and God and that the two of you can, and will, make these permanent changes in your life.

Before you click the link below, let me tell you what you will get in this initial call.

In this 45 minute Inspirational Session, we will review where you are at in regards to finally overcoming your addiction relapse cycle and move on to building an awesome future.

You will leave with three action steps you can do immediately to begin your transformation.

The last 5 minutes we will discuss if you desire to continue coaching through my 3-month, once-a-week, one-on-one  coaching program.

Once you sign up for this 45-minute Inspirational Session, you will receive the following:

  • A downloadable PDF of the framework of The Biblical Roadmap to Freedom for a Higher Purpose, which you learned above (4 pages).
  • A downloadable PDF of the study guide version of my book How To Stop Relapsing: Biblical Guidance to Replace Your Addiction With Immediate Hope, Permanent Healing, and Abundant Living (133 pages, 8.5” x 11” ready to print).

With these new insights in your possession, you now have the beginning steps to change your life forever.

But if you don’t take action today, how bad do you have to get before you will?

Remember, with God, all things are possible!

While this Inspirational Session is $75.00, I want you to know that your investment is actually planting a seed into this outreach. It helps us spread this good news of the gospel and God’s way to change people struggling with addictions worldwide:

  • to be set free from the relapse cycle
  • to change from a recovery-type support group to being involved in a group of more emotionally-stable people
  • to live a life they never dreamed was possible
  • … and much more!

Your seed grows a harvest that you also reap from. God always blesses those who give to help spread the gospel!

So I encourage you to click the link below to schedule your Inspirational Session to start your journey to a radically transformed life filled with love, connection, and purpose.

The first 3 steps to starting your awesome journey are only a click away.

CLICK HERE to book your 45 Minute Inspirational Session

I look forward to helping you become all that God created you to be.


Kathy Williamson

P.S. Since my calendar is limited, I suggest you CLICK HERE NOW to schedule your session.